March 27, 2017
This wedding season I am looking for someone that is interested in working with me! I am searching for the right person to come to weddings to assist with wedding day needs. This includes moving equipment, organizing portraits, pinning boutonnieres (because that always happens on wedding days), styling detail photos, and moving the wedding dress to a pretty location to photograph. There’s so much that happens on a wedding day, having a second set of hands is going to be amazing!
This individual will also be asked to assist with office tasks. This includes posting on social media, preparing blog posts, and creating documents through inDesign and Word.
I am looking for an upbeat creative personality, that is available most Saturday’s beginning June 3rd and can devote one day a week to office tasks. It would be wonderful to work together at a local coffee shop one day a week.
This is a paid position through August and can be extended through October. This position may be ideal for a high school senior, or college student. However anyone is welcome to apply! Hours will be 10-12 hours per week. You will be asked to provide your own laptop that you are willing to use for this position.
If you are a beginning photographer this is a great way for you to build your portfolio and learn more about the business. If you are curious about the industry, interested in design, creativity, writing, or marketing this could also be a fun job for you!
If you are interested in becoming my summer assistant please send me a detailed email at explaining your interest in this position and your availability.
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